Simple Travel Tips To Avoid Illness While On Holiday

By Jonny Blair

Avoid Local Water

We have all heard that piece of advice before going on our holiday. It has been a warning given to foreign travellers for years. Depending on which area of the world you are traveling to, will determine the health risks you will have to watch out for. Each country has their own unique organisms in the water, so it is quite common to get ill while traveling. One in three people will spend at least one day in bed with an upset stomach. The close confines of an airplane cabin mean that 80% of the air is contaminated with other peoples exhaled germs, so catching some sort of illness is inevitable if there are sick people on the plane. The more that you travel the better your body will be at fighting these foreign organisms and bacteria. Talk to a doctor if you feel really bad at any stage and have good travel insurance.

Not Letting an Illness Ruin Your Travel

If you get sick during your holiday it can ruin the whole experience. Nobody wants to spend their hard earned cash on a trip where they end up sick in bed all day. One of the most common ways to get sick is by drinking the local water. Your best bet is to avoid the water all together and drink plenty of clean bottled water from a supermarket. Also, brush your teeth with bottled water and wash hands too. If you are travelling to a hot country you may become dehydrated. This will make illness easy as your bodys defences will be down. Drink at least 2 litres eery few hours to keep your body functioning at optimum levels during your trip. If you are feeling a bit ill try to avoid alcohol and caffeine as they make you urinate more and therefor cause dehydration.

The best way to recover if you fall ill abroad is to get some rest. Although you will not want to sleep your holiday away, taking some nap time will help your body feel stronger. Have a lie down after your dinner and maybe read a book on the balcony or by the pool. Indoor activities such as spa treatments or gentle exercise may help to distract your mind from the sickness. Obviously, take it easy and do not do anything to strenuous.

Ways To Prevent Illness

To stop yourself getting sick while abroad, try to avoid that which will make you sick. Avoid brushing your teeth with the local water and buy plenty of bottled stuff as soon as you land. Pressurized air in a planes cabin is quite dry and can make you dehydrated. You should try to rest well the night before you fly and get enough sleep. Travelling can make you tired and irritable, which then makes you stressed, which is when the bodies defences are down. It gets pretty cold when flying so make sure you bring warm clothes. Try to keep a bottle of water handy and carry a few essentials to make the trip easier.

As soon as you feel sick, get to a chemist and get some medicine. Some quick over the counter medicine can reverse the effects. Imodium and ginger candies are also good anytime your stomach is upset. These few remedies can save you a lot of disappointment. Carrying a small First Aid Kit or travellers kit should be something for you to consider. Having these essentials as well as a few more can make life a great deal more enjoyable. A small bottle of hand sanitizer may come in handy also.

When you make it to your desired location, try not to divulge into local foods straight away. This will give your body time to adapt to the change of environment and help prevent you falling ill.

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